The Importance of Never Having an Affairs

8 min readDec 30, 2023


After twelve years of marriage, I betrayed Julie.

I am quite aware of my wickedness. Being dishonest and untrustworthy is my character. My loved ones should not have given me those. How much I despise my own flesh and bones.

My sex partner's name was Orange. She made me her real estate agent. It seemed strange to me that a single woman with a lot of extra money was trying to buy a house with four bedrooms. I took her to a fair amount of homes. Each one was in a pleasant area.

However, flirting seemed to pique her attention more than the assets themselves.

I found this to be rather strange. To be honest, I've never been attractive. On an ideal day, my weight is about 300 pounds. Acne has plagued me since childhood, and now my hair is receding. No one, not even my wife, can bring herself to look me in the eye. On the other hand, Orange had feelings for me. She had personal contact with me, gushed over my clothes, and constantly dropped hints that she was single.

She was very irresistible. Both her grin and her legs seemed to go on forever. Little skirts that skimmed her behind were a constant in her wardrobe. Despite this, I never duped her. I promise. Oh, I reciprocated the flirt, but hey, that's just how real estate agents make a sale. The charisma is all over you. It was like candy to her. She piqued my interest, and I won't deny it. To be sure, I was. I, however, had no plans to take any action in response.

However, I proceeded to show her the Herdenson Property. Gorgeous as could be, the house was located next to a park. Since the Herdenson's had already left a few weeks earlier, there was just the two of us. The sun has set. She sported a revealing red dress when the stars appeared. As we went from one room to another, she couldn't help but giggle. I felt her touch my arm. As a last item, she retrieved a miniature bottle of wine from her handbag. "I believe this is the one," she said with an air of seductive simplicity.

We celebrated with a shared drink. Her mouth was on mine before I could even blink. She seemed unconcerned when I attempted to inform her that I was married. I must admit, I was just as guilty. Her entire being was elated. It had been about a year since I'd slept with Julie. Despite my knowledge that it was wrong, I caved. It was as if I were drunk. The thoughts of my wife faded.

Here on the home floor, I awoke. Orange had vanished. Little love marks appeared all over my aching body. I thought the sex was harsher back then. I was ashamed. I explained to Julie that I didn't call because I was having automobile problems and my phone died. Purchased by her. Truthfully, I got the impression that she no longer gave a hoot about my actions. It had been some time since we had been amicable.

I was consumed by guilt. My guilt about my error flooded my mind whenever I beheld my family. Neither Orange nor I ever contacted each other to schedule a repeat viewing. I was under the impression that I could suffer in silence if no one found out. Julie is completely unaware. Life may continue for us.

But I fell ill two weeks after that. Very ill. This sickness was the worst I'd ever experienced. After wasting the better part of a day in the loo, I realised it was more than just guilt acting up. My doctor and I have scheduled a visit. She brainstormed a number of possible explanations. Then she posed the following inquiry:

Is there anyone you've slept with recently or had sex with without protection?

My pulse froze. Her name was this family doctor. It was Julie who had really set us up with her. Asking, "Why would you ask that?" was my bold move.

"Acute Retrovirusal Syndrome" is a possible diagnosis that might explain these symptoms.

"Think that's like a sexually transmitted disease?"

Furrows formed on her brow. Although it isn't, it is one of the early signs of HIV.

I broke out in a cold sweat. Dread descended. I hurriedly clarified that, yes, I am married and do not have any other relationships. I was prescribed antibiotics by the doctor. She took hold of my arm just as I was about to depart. You'll find an anonymous HIV clinic on the lower level. In about twenty minutes, you will have your findings. With a release, she walked away from me.

It was there that I learned it. There, at the rundown little HIV clinic. People who used drugs and were homeless were all around me. The individual doing the evaluation was a mere juvenile. According to him, the vast majority of tests provide negative results. Even if it were favourable, it may still be inaccurate.

In the waiting room, they provided the results to everyone else. Negative. Negative. However, they requested that I enter a back area specifically for me. I burst into tears. At that moment, I knew. I never imagined the magnitude of this error.

A false positive did not occur. I found out a few weeks later from the confirmatory test. My status was confirmed as HIV positive in full.

I had to tell Julie the truth now. Now it was more than simply infidelity; it may endanger my family. I couldn't keep being a coward when it seemed like everything in my life was crumbling around me. Honestly, I had always been one to avoid confrontation.

For the night, I left my children at my mom's house.

When I returned home, Julie was reading on the couch. In the soft light of the lamp, she appeared almost divine.

I coughed out some saliva. "My darling, I think it's time we get down and talk."

“Oh?” Her head remained buried in her book the whole time.

"I must confide in you something."

She reached for her phone and began fiddling with it, completely ignoring the person speaking. It was frustrating, and I sighed.

“Julie, this is a major matter.”

Gradually, she lowered the phone. She stared intently at me. All right. Could you please tell me?

A kind woman, Julie once was. However, her bitterness has only intensified with the passing of time. She has boundless love for our children, but she has absolutely no feelings for me. I feel like an outsider here in the house. Her look has also undergone a dramatic transformation. She had stopped shaving her legs. She had forgotten everything about the things she had done for me before. She distanced herself from me, and we argued about it often. However, after a while, we ceased arguing and simply stopped communicating altogether.

However, it was not the purpose of this evening.

Across from her, I drew a chair. Crying broke my will to control my emotions. There was zero empathy in her expression as she stared at me. I attempted to talk while wiping my face. "Roughly one month ago…"It was my fault. My deepest apologies, Julie. I had no intention of this happening. I deeply apologise.

Unflinchingly, she gazed.

"What were you up to?"

I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

She made it much more difficult by showing no emotion at all.

"Another woman was my mistress."

She remained unfazed. She was a lifeless automaton while I was on the verge of tears and my most exposed self.

"And?" she asked in a calm, collected tone.

It left me speechless. How exactly do you define 'and'? Oh my God, I’ve already confessed to cheating on you!

For an instant, I thought I saw a smile on her face. Her question was, "Don't you have anything else to say?"

My wife wasn't this.

I felt like this heartless creature was revelling in my suffering. I suppose so. Plus, there's more. Possibly something far worse. I deeply apologise.

Her voice barely audible as she murmured those words.

My hands were twisted. Tell me what's happening, Julie.

Upset, she stood. Then say it! Throughout the room, her voice resounded. It was a relief for me. Now she was finally displaying some feeling, though.

"Because I am—"

Someone started ringing the doorbell. Her expression widened into a grin. She got it before I could even stand up to get it. She eagerly welcomed the guest inside and flung wide the door and its colour was orange. I tripped and fell backwards.

"Her presence here is perplexing."

"Do you not feel like seeing me?" Orange made fun of.

Is this something you were aware of? My voice was hoarse. All throughout, I felt shivers.

Over Orange's shoulder, Julie rested her head. "You've never been smart, dude." As their fingers met, Orange's and hers became entwined. "Oh my god, that's ignorant."

"I still don't get it."

I don't think so. I was the target of her spittle. Twelve fucking years have passed since we were married. Your enormous, foul-smelling bulk was resting on mine, so I pretended to appreciate it. that wants a chubby husband that gives out an odour of beer and farts? She came over to me. Your proposal led me to believe that we were engaged to be married. According to my parents, my ambitions were incorrect. It was impossible for me to adore the person I really desired. But then Ciara came into my life.

"Ciara?" I asked.

"You honestly believe I revealed my true identity to you?" Orange took the lead. "Actually, my name is not Orange. Furthermore, you have never piqued my attention. Why on earth would you believe that someone as unclean as yourself would like someone like me?

Heavy breathing was a sign of me.

"Yet you had an affair with me!"

Cruelly, she chuckled.

"Obviously, I didn't.

You fabricated your desires after I narced you.

"Yeah, but we're infected!"

"I can confirm that one."

Her fingers ran into Julie's hair as she touched it gently.

To my knowledge, Julie's coo was completely new to me. I only wanted to murder you, to tell you the truth. The police usually anticipate the spouse, and Ciara persuaded me it would be too chaotic, so I backed out. I was opposed to the idea of getting a divorce as it would mean sharing custody of the children. To end our relationship, I had to figure out how to exclude you entirely.

Ciara kissed Julie on the lips as she lifted her chin.

I felt like I was about to black out.

Her eyes landed on mine.

You got two doses of the HIV-infected blood I injected into you.

"Med resistant" is the good stuff as well.

Her laughter was sharp and sharply caustic.

And Julie went to be with her.

In your opinion, who will the judge decide to give the children to?
Who is worse, the pregnant harlot with HIV or the innocent cheated-on wife?

I believe we can all agree that they are in good hands with me.

"However, I will inform them of your actions!"

It was pitiful how little my voice was.

"You won't have anyone believe you."

A twisted joy warped her face.

"Fess up already.

Doing nothing will solve the problem.

Now you're going to die ill and alone.

My body sank to the floor. "Why am I being held responsible for this?"

Ciara and Julie stood at my back. Julie used her fingernails to flick my forehead.

"You chose to cheat, not me."

Photo by Shelby Deeter on Unsplash




Written by BedtimeStoriesNoSleep

Bedtime stories that either made you horny or being haunted.

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