Now, no one wants to be near me anymore. Sad life.
People used to like me. They'd sit next to me on a park bench and smile when they saw me. They felt safe bringing their women and kids near me.
Not any longer. Not since that horrible crime. They now cross the street to avoid me, and when they do look at me, it's to make fun of me.
I wish I could say sorry to all of them.
Yes, I'm not to blame. I'm not to blame. They know I wasn't to blame. Now, though, they can't even look at me.
I feel so alone. I really wish someone would join me for lunch. For a long time, I didn't notice the little things like that.
I had to see him pass away. They hung him and then left before he was dead. I saw the pain and hopelessness in his face and the life leave his eyes, but I couldn't do anything to help him. That scared look in their eyes will always be with me. I only wanted to save him, help the cops find the killers, and see those horrible guys spend the rest of their lives in jail.
I tried, but I failed. I can't do it ever. When the wind blows, my leaves can only rattle and whisper. I can't change where my stems bend.