My buddy took his New Girlfriend to experience fFee use.
It did happen in the end. Someone else who lived with us got a girlfriend. I really wanted to know when it would happen. In case you haven't read my other stories and don't know, my friends and I are pretty much in a free use relationship. There are four guys and one girl living with me. The guys can fuck either of us girls whenever they want.
On the other hand, the guys pay for all our living costs. One of the guys got a girlfriend not long ago. At first, I thought this is where things would go badly and it would all blow up because of the free use. It looks like I was wrong. There aren't many girls like his girlfriend who actually enjoy seeing her boyfriend fuck other girls. I know it's crazy.
Things at our apartment have been crazier than ever since they started dating. There are people who fuck all the time, and his girlfriend is the most submissive of us all. I'm not going to lie, we've done some pretty fucking crazy things with her. You can read about those experiences in my other books, though.
As time went on, I could tell that the other two guys I lived with were starting to feel envious of my roommate's relationship. I think I get it. Every guy wants a girlfriend who wants to fuck other sluts, right? They didn't have to wait long, though, because my other roommate got a lover just a month or two after this girl joined our group of friends.
The girl who came over a few nights ago is really cute. She is short and has bright blue eyes and red hair. Honestly beautiful. There was no way for us to know for sure if his new girlfriend knew about our free use, so when she came over for dinner that night, we kept things "stealth mode." This was our silly little inside joke for saying that we pretended to have a normal friendship between us roommates. That's how we act when people come over.
We don't tell everyone who we hang out with lol. It turned out that his new girlfriend stayed the night, and my room is right next to theirs. I heard them fucking, and I'm not sorry to say that hearing her moan as she came made me feel pretty good. Really, I'm really fucking attracted to her. During the whole time she was being fucked, I had my vibrator pressed against my clit, and I came in right after she did.
I kept trying to look her in the eye the next morning to see if she knew our secret, but she wouldn't say a word. Her smile and lips were so cute. My mind kept going back to how good it would feel to have her lick my pussy. I mean, I'm kind of crazy about her.
Everything was shown last night. There was always no secret between my roommate and his new girlfriend. She was probably just really interested in it. They came over together last night while I was home alone. I acted like we were having a normal relationship at first. You could call it "stealth mode." My friend told me to bend over all of a sudden while we were sitting on the couch in the living room.
At first, I was shocked and seemed to freeze. I asked him, "Are you sure?" "Remember the deal, slut." He told me, "Do what I say." I leaned against the couch back and looked at his new girlfriend. The look in her eyes was filled with wild interest. There was my pussy showing because he took off my underwear from under my skirt. He asked me, "Are you ready, slut?" as he spanked my behind. I said yes, I was.
He grabbed his new girlfriend by the hair and pulled her face down so close to my pussy that it hurt. He told her to "lick her." The girlfriend of his was shy, but I could tell she was excited, and she began to lick me behind the back. He looked at her for a moment and then pushed her hard against me, which made her tongue go deeper into me. I was in heaven. My dream since the first time I met this girl was for her to lick my pussy. Now it was finally happening.
After she licked me and warmed me up, my roommate told his girlfriend, "If we're going to go on a date, you better get used to me fucking this tight hole right here." Does that make sense?" After a short pause, his girlfriend said, "Yes, daddy." That's when I told everyone that our group had a new member. I was thrilled.
He put the tip of his cock against me and held his girlfriend's face just inches away from my pussy. Just knowing she would be watching made me cry. "Do you like watching daddy fuck his toy?" he asked her as he slid into me. Again, her answer was, "Yes, daddy, I love it." Her voice is the cutest little slut voice I've ever heard. I love this girl.
To make sure she could see what was going on, he held her head still while he fucked me. He fucked me for only a short time before he was ready to cum. She being there made him happy, I think. "Now jerk daddy off into his toys pussy" said he. To make him cum, she grabbed the hilt of his cock and stroked him. He asked his girlfriend to make him cum into another girl. I believe he liked that part of it.
As soon as he pulled away, he told his girlfriend, "Now clean her up and make her cum," and she pressed her mouth against my pussy again. After she licked my cream-colored pussy, I sucked on her tongue for a few minutes. I have to say that this girl really caught my eye. I've never been licked so well as she did. I can't wait for her to meet the rest of us.
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