In all the years I've worked with the supernatural, they've never warned me in this way.
I learned I could talk to ghosts when I was eight years old.
I was sitting on the floor with my toys when I heard a little voice say, "Hello?""
A girl was standing in front of me when I looked up. Blood was running down the side of her head. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. That's the only thing about her that looked weird: the blood. I knew she was dead. I could feel it.
When I asked her what happened, she said she was in a car accident with her dad and woke up alone in the woods. She came to me because she said she saw light in my window.
"May I stay with you until my dad gets home?""She inquired.
I shrugged and said, "Sure."
We played in my room most of the time, so my parents thought I had a friend in my head.
She was still with me after two weeks, but then I saw her picture on the news. A man was crying and pleading for his daughter to come home from the show.
He said, "She's always been a troubled girl." "We believe she might have met this boy."
He showed the girl a picture of a boy about her age. I saw that she was now shaking next to me. "Tell them to check out mile marker 16 in the woods."
I told my family. They asked me how I knew, and I just shrugged and said that a friend told me. They fought about it off and on for a while, but in the end they called.
When the police found her, they asked me a lot of questions. What she told me, I told them.
After that, she was never seen or heard from again. I remember being obsessed with the supernatural, and now that I'm an adult, I do a lot of research into the
As you might guess, ghosts, spirits, and even devils have warned me before, but this was the first time something like this happened.
It was the first time I heard it while eating dinner with my wife.
After a long, loud day of playing outside, our son fell asleep and didn't want to eat dinner because he wanted to watch a Justice League marathon with his Batman plush. She called them "tex-mex smashed potatoes" and then said they were the best idea she had ever had. Emma was sitting across from me. She looked at me to make sure I liked it too, and even though I liked her jambalaya better, I agreed that this was a great idea for dinner.
Tell them.
The voice was inside my head. It made noise in my ears. I would have thought it was a thought if it wasn't so clear.
I was scared by it. For starters, I didn't pay attention to it because I have never had a dream before and, since I'm almost 30, I knew that I would have shown signs before then. Even though it scared me, I thought it was more likely that another spirit was talking to me in my house than that I had schizoid disorder. I didn't tell Emma about it because she wouldn't stay anywhere with even the slightest hint of supernatural activity after a very bad time riding along with a Priest to an evil possession in Massachusetts.
After dinner, we went to bed soon after.
At night, I dreamed about the ocean. There is only moonlight shining on the deep, dark sea. In my dream, there was a woman standing on top of the water, unaffected by the rough waves.
Tell them. She told me in a whisper. Tell them.
It was hard for me to understand what I saw. She was a woman, not a ghost or a monster. A lot big. I then saw that she seemed to be standing on something that was moving under her and pulling her closer to me.
I became more aware that her skin didn't look human as she got closer. It felt like eel skin. She had hair that went down to her hips that moved like it was alive, but not with the wind. I thought of Medusa, but instead of snakes on top of her head, there were a million tiny limbs moving around on their own. Being close to her made my heart race because I didn't want her to touch me. I thought that would be the end of me.
Even though she had smooth skin and strange hair, I could tell she was human because we were so close. After I realised that, I noticed how beautiful she was. She had heart-shaped lips, high cheeks, and bright green eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. She had beautiful breasts and long, shapely legs, even though she was pregnant and had a big belly.
She seemed to pull me towards her, and the closer I got, the less scared I was of this perfect being.
Then she put out her hand and opened her mouth. I saw rows of very sharp teeth inside her perfect mouth, and her jaw grew so big it looked like it was going to swallow me whole. Moving away from her, I felt a natural fear rising in the pit of my stomach. Long limbs came out from behind her and stretched out towards me at a rapid speed. They grabbed my arms and pulled me towards her. I hit my face on something hard and slippery. It was so loud that it hurt my ears, and I could feel the shocks going through my chest. The woman shut up and let me go.
As I stumbled to my feet, I became very aware that there was something below me as well, and that I was standing on top of the ocean. When I looked down, all I could see was this thing in the clear water; I couldn't tell where it started or where it ended. It was just a huge creature sticking out of the water, and I wondered what hell it had come from. All around me, I could see this thing's legs, or tentacles, spreading out and reaching for the edges of the ground. I knew that meant to grab them and swallow them whole.
I had a dark desire to see the creature's face, but I knew I would not make it if I did. When I looked back at the woman, fear grabbed me by the throat.
LET THEM KNOW! The woman's scream didn't come from her mouth; it came from inside her. When I woke up, I was drenched in sweat and smelled like the ocean. Emma was sound asleep next to me, so I quietly got out of bed to take a shower. As the hot water hit my skin, I saw the woman from my dream and how terrifyingly beautiful she looked.
I had a dull pain in my arm while I washed. It was the same arm the woman had grabbed. When I looked down, I saw the start of a bruise that was going to go around my boss in two perfect loops. The thought made my mind race: was it all real? What kind of woman was she? What was that thing under her feet? Under my feet?
After getting out of the shower, I turned off the water. The air in the bathroom was cold even though it was full of steam. I shivered as I dried off with a towel and cleaned the mirror.
I looked back for a second and saw the woman behind me. The edges of her terribly wide mouth were smiling, which made me sick. The parts reached out and grabbed me again, this time by the throat. I closed my eyes and got ready to be ripped apart, but nothing happened. If saltwater hadn't left a sticky film on my throat, I would have thought it was all in my head.
I got dressed and made coffee while my hands were shaking. I chose to take action, so I sat down at my computer to read the news and see what people might need to be warned about. This virus is killing people all over the world, so that can't be it. I could see that there were no new crises, weather risks, or planets racing towards Earth.
After many hours, my wife woke up. I told her about the dream, and she laughed.
"It sounds like someone mixed up Lovecraft and Greek mythology."
She was so happy that morning and thought my dream was silly that I decided it would be best for both of us if I just laughed it off too. I wanted to show her the bruise, which was now a deep purple and black colour, and tell her that I had heard the voice while I was awake. To make sure the mark was hidden, I pulled on the sleeve of my shirt.
When he walked in, our son in his Superman cape said, "I'll save you, Daddy!""then she hugged me."
When I smiled, I didn't know he was listening, so I said, "Thanks, kid." "I need you right now."
I tried to go about my day normally by watching video of a supposed haunting that a friend sent me, checking the news and weather sites to see what we might need to be warned about, helping my wife clean the house, and playing superhero with my son. But every time I thought the stress I felt when I woke up would go away, something would push on that bruise and I would feel that anxious pit in my stomach again.
That night, my son asked me to read him a story before bed, and I was happy to do it.
I put him to bed and read "Ali the Dog" to him.
He fell asleep right away after the story. I kissed him on the cheek and snuck out the door to turn off the light. As I did, I felt someone grab my wrist and heard a deep, evil voice say
Tell them.
I jumped and turned around, but my son was still asleep in bed.
When I rubbed my bruise, the hair on my arms stood on end.
I slowly made my way back to my son's bed, hoping to see some sign that he was awake and playing a joke on me. But his steady breathing and calm position told me he hadn't moved.
Walking out of his room again, I felt a new wave of fear in the pit of my stomach. I went to find my wife making tea in the kitchen. I sat on the couch and watched the news while the TV was on in the background. The reporter said that the earth was fixing itself, which was a surprising good thing about the worldwide outbreak. Dolphins were seen in the rivers of Italy, which is something we haven't seen in a hundred years.
"I read on Facebook that scientists think species that were thought to be extinct could come back, or that they are very close to going extinct." "No one is going to go hunt them or mess up their habitat," my wife said as she sat down next to me on the couch.
I said, "Really." I thought about the woman who looked eerie and beautiful and the thing from my dream.
"Yes, you should let them know."
When I snapped my head to my wife, she wasn't my wife at all for a moment; she looked like a dead body reaching for me. As water came out of its mouth, the skin on its chest and face flaked off and fell to the ground. Even though it was barely moving, it desperately reached for me as if holding on to me would keep it from dying. It smelled bad, and the water that was pooled around it and dripping from every hole in it hurt my eyes.
"What about?" What should I tell them?"I stepped back from it, my heart racing in my ears.
"I told you to find out. Are you all right?"
I rubbed my eyes and looked at her with worry as she sat next to me, looking like herself again.
"Yeah. I'm okay. That dream just upset me more than I thought it would." I tried to laugh to loosen up, but all I got out was a bark. I stood up and slapped my hands against my legs. "O-kay! "I believe I will now lie down."
She gave me an odd look with her eyelid raised, but all she did was nod and ask for a kiss.
"I'll be in here if you need me, okay?" When I'm done with peppermint tea and murder tales, I'm going to bed.
I smiled at her and looked at her beautiful, dry face. Then I told her I would and kissed her.
I laid down and hoped that if I saw the things again, I could ask them what the message was and who I should give it to.
The dream was different that night. I wasn't by the water; I was in a place that had been burned down. When ash flew around me, I saw that I was standing on a rock just a few feet above a fiery river. There was another woman in front of me, but this one was different. She was slowly moving around as her long hair grabbed her arms and body and reached out in all directions for something to hold on to. Like a scorpion's, her skin looked like it was made of a thick shell, and every part of her body that could move had cracks that were glowing bright orange. A scary golden light shone in her eyes. She was also very pregnant, and I noticed again that she was moving towards me while I was moving towards her. I knew that something like the animal I saw in the ocean the night before lived in the lava below us. This one came from a volcano erupting deep inside the earth.
When the woman opened her mouth, I saw sharpened fangs pointing in all directions. The plates on her lips were moving farther apart, letting a bright fire come through and making the inside of her mouth look like it was dancing in the heat.
LET THEM KNOW! The voice inside her screamed once more.
"What should I tell them?"I yelled back. "What does it mean?""
In order to escape being ripped apart by the fire below, I begged myself not to wake up. I was waiting for an answer. It felt hot to the touch and the heat was burning my skin.
As she got closer, I knew deep down that letting her touch me would kill me, but I kept going. I watched her mouth get bigger as she screamed for an answer until she was so close I could see into her throat.
I saw a man's eyes in her throat. They were as black as coal and burned so much that they were almost impossible to recognise if not for the eyes.
He was so scared that I could feel myself screaming too.
After that, I don't remember anything. My son stood in the corner with tears in his eyes and stared at me as I woke up on the floor with my wife holding my shoulders.
My wife said I screamed really loudly and in a voice that wasn't mine. She started to cry when I asked her what I said, so I held her close. She wouldn't tell me for most of the day because she was afraid I would feel like I had to, and if I did, I would sound crazy and mad at the world.
I finally got her to talk to me later that day, after many failed tries. She gave me a piece of paper.
This is what it said:
We've warned you many times, but you haven't paid attention. We've used fire, water, pestilence, and storms to sound the alarm.
"You have made bombs to scare your enemies. You have fought wars and killed to stay in power. Every day you force people who have no other choice but to kill innocent people in the name of power."
*This is a warning to you, the powerful people who hold all the cards and use them to get other people to give up. *
We know that our scribblings will hear us now and tell you to stop letting greed and arrogance ruin the lives of those you see as below you. They will tell you to stop fighting wars for power and stopping polluting the earth for riches.
Your God made us and gave us the power to do these things to those who do bad things in his name. He gave us the power to smite those who say they are good but run away when the poor suffer. He won't help you even if you pray to him.