If Their Boyfriends Want to Use Me, They Can [Group].
This post is mostly a report on my free use status as a whole. I’ll sum up for those who don’t already know from my other stories. I have a pretty wild sexual life. I have a free use deal with a few of my roommates that was signed a few months ago. Basically, they pay for my things, and I take care of them, lol. As things stood for some time, two of the three guys (there are a total of three) ended up getting together with other women.
I thought that was the end of my free use fun at first, but the girls they started dating were even sexier and wilder than I thought they would be. They both have a cuckqueen kink in a way. That's where they get their pleasure from watching their boyfriend fuck me. When they watch me get fucked by them, I really think it's hot. I love it when guys cuddle their girls to sleep and tell them they love them. It makes it even more fun for me. I guess that makes me strange.
When we're all at our flat together, something fun will almost always happen. The last time they came over, the guys went to the gym downstairs in our building, leaving me and the two girls to ourselves. When we first met, we just made small talk. But as the chat progressed, it became sexual, and there were no rules. There was a lot of talk about how I liked being free use for three guys and who I liked the most. People told me that the whole thing seemed very fake and that they couldn't believe it was real.
The more we talked about it, the more excited we got, and I finally asked them why they like seeing their men fuck me so much. They basically said they loved seeing their boyfriends get off. That it was kind of like having their own prostitute and that they didn't care how it happened. I guess I can understand that. But I could never be that person. I believe that I am too protective.
After some time, we began to talk about how to surprise the guys when they got back. The redhead girls came up with the idea. She said we should give them a way to unwind and cool down after the gym. The plan we came up with was meant to shock people as much as possible. We chose to wait with our pussies fully facing the front door while sitting on the couch in the living room that faces it. After taking off our shorts and knickers, we got ready. The three of us knelt over the back of the couch and waited for them.
They took longer than we thought they would to show up, and for a long time we were just sitting on the couch, feeling silly. We couldn't stop laughing at how silly the whole thing was as we looked at each other. Really, it felt great to connect with some girls for a change.
The guys walked into the flat as soon as we heard the door open. All I could hear from one of them was "No fucking way." Also, they didn't waste any time. They came up behind us and fucked us. It was also a lot like musical chairs. So that no one felt left out, they would switch girls about every thirty seconds at most. After a few minutes of being fucked, we were all excited enough to kiss each other while they fucked us.
One of them finally said he was going to cum and asked, "Who wants it?" The choice was made by everyone. It was me, and both girls said my name at the same time. He broke up with his woman and sucked his cock deep into my pussy. Soon after, my other flatmate broke up with his girlfriend and sucked me. This time, he didn't even need to ask.
When I was full of both of their poop, their girlfriends leaned behind me and spread my pussy out so they could see their boyfriends' poop drip out of me. Before they began to lick, they kissed and got really close. They pretty much kissed each other three times and my pussy were full of cum. They wouldn't stop until I had cum, and my pussy felt clean. Afterward, I touched it and couldn't feel any poop inside like I usually do. That meant they had really licked it.
I wish I could say that this was a rare event, but in all honesty, it's just another day in this area. It seems like I'm hooked on all the attention I get, and I have no desire to have my own place at this point, even though I could easily afford it. I hope this keeps going on forever. I don't want it to end.
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