I work at Disneyworld as a security guard. I'm super scared.
I was overjoyed to be hired by the happiest place on Earth. I grew up in Orlando, so my mom took me there a lot when I was young. I was happy to know that from now on I could take mine for free.
I obtained a position as a security guard at night. I actually had to watch cameras. Some parks are busy at night, so I had to check to make sure nothing odd was going on. It made me so happy. The day shift cops' actions were not my problem. They had to deal with drunk people, people who thought they were entitled because they spent a lot of money, and so on.
I asked a guard in training if he had seen anything strange. He told me that while riding the Haunted Mansion, they saw a woman throw out the ashes of her daughter. When asked, she really thought that her daughter would be a happy ghost that she would see every time she rode the ride. That's it for now. You will be caught dumping ashes, and you won't like what they do with your loved ones' remains.
I was told the weirdest thing, which was code 999. Another link to The Haunted Mansion. This is what I was taught to do if I saw something strange. Something... hard to explain.
We switched which parks we watched most of the time, sometimes it was different hotels or even Disney Springs. At night, I got Hollywood Studios.
It was great to be able to walk around the grounds and check out Galaxy's Edge. The fact that I could see Star Wars without being surrounded by other tourists is great.
In my office, I sat down with a big mug of coffee and watched the cameras. Things then got weirder.
Time was 3 a.m., according to my watch. I saw Mickey walk down the street on his way to Rock N' Rollercoaster. We never create figures at this time. Also, most travellers were going to use the caves below. I looked in shock as I saw Donald Duck walking around aimlessly, then Goofy, then Pluto, and then more figures. Those things are all going that way.
It was just static on my walkie-talkie, and I mumbled. "Code 999....repeat code 999."
"This is Bill in AK, what's going on?"
"Why are there characters in the park?"
It was only silence that I could hear. Feeling told me to wait and see what happens. Perhaps more protection or police will show up, or perhaps everything will just happen as it will. I thought I could go by myself, though. It was impossible for my walkie-talkie to reach any other guards at school or anywhere else.
I entered a changing room without permission and discovered an old Olaf outfit. I walked slowly towards Rock N Rollercoaster after putting it on.
However, Fantasmic was present, despite the lack of noise. It's so weird to type this out.
It didn't rain. But when I got close to the noise, lightning and heavy, fast rain started to fall. At a
glance, I saw people sitting on chairs and in other places around the area. Standing on top of a big rock was someone. My seatmate was a Minnie.
Just staring at me, she turned to me. Looking at me without saying anything. After turning around, she looked back at the stage.
The phone cut on. "Well, here he is, ladies and gents, boys and girls. Hi, Mickey Mouse.
I noticed that people started to bow. Gladden up. Like you, I tried to blend in so no one would see me. The little girl standing next to me was cheering. I think she's the burning ashes.
Say hello to everyone. Thanks so much for coming; I'm glad to see all of you. We're now going to do business. This man is here with us. Who are you, buddy?"
More figures came in with a man who was tied to a table. Tom was that person. He was with me while I was training.
It looked like he was hurt. Badly hurt.
"It doesn't matter your name actually." Laughed Mickey.
"All right, guys. Today is the day to give Walt a new place to live. "I believe this man might be a fitting candidate."
While being restrained, he screamed. Mickey stuck out his tongue and raised a knife to the sky.He looked at everyone for around ten minutes. He sniffled.
"One of you is really someone else. What person is it?"
"Listen Pal, we need Walt more than ever and can't do this with you here."
People were stumbling around aimlessly, trying to find me. Then the ghost girl spoke to me in a whisper.
"Get out."
I am frozen with fear. Things are way too weird about this. It then went off on my walkie-talkie.
"10-4 code 999. Going back the way we came."
I turned around thinking that characters would attack me, but they were all gone. Within the stands, I am the only one. Not surprisingly.
That Mickey from the stage was in the seats, running quickly towards me with his white hands
outstretched. His eyeballs are gone, and I heard a high-pitched scream. The gloves were holding me down while I tried to scream. I woke up to see the ghost girl grabbing him off of me.
I ran to my office as fast as I could. The shaking seemed strange. The warm liquid got on my lap as I sat down and picked up my coffee mug. It was really my wish to stop. But I needed to find Tom. I will change my search if I find him. I really want to hug my kids at home, but I have to wait.