During 2020 Quarantine, I Got Laid With my Cousin.
There's a lot of background because I know a lot of you like it. If you want to get to the hot and heavy part, scroll down until you see the second set of 69.
This took place a week into lockdown, on a Wednesday, which was about two weeks ago. Because of the Coronavirus, I was only able to work part-time, so Monday and Friday are 10-hour days for me. Bella, my cousin Bellarina, is in her first year of college close to me. She didn't want to go home to a house that was already crowded, noisy and chaotic with her five younger brothers, so she asked if she could stay in the spare bedroom of my two-bedroom apartment. At first, I wasn't sure because of money concerns. It was hard enough for me to pay my rent on half of my salary instead of two, let alone feed my uncle's kid too. My wife and I got divorced almost three months ago. But my uncle is doing much better financially and has offered to pay all of my rent for the next two months, even if this situation ends sooner, so Bella can stay with me. He might have been afraid she would bring something back into their house since some of her brothers are sick.
I saw my younger cousin for the first time in about eight years two weeks ago. The last time I saw her, she was eleven. It looked like a little girl was turning into a spider's body, all the way down to her legs. She has always been very kind. She helped her parents with her younger brothers and gave up weekends so her parents could take a short trip in the middle of the year. She loves to bake and can remember people's food issues and favourite foods. Overall, she always seems to put other people before herself, what a cool kid.
In the eight years I hadn't seen her, she got a little taller, now about 5'10", but she kept her slim body. She rocks climbs and boulders almost every weekend, so her arms and hands are strong. She has thick brown hair that she usually braids, and her eyes have always been bright blue. She only brought her laptop, her Switch, and a bag full of clothes. My house is pretty clean, so her few things didn't make the flat feel crowded at all.
Before she showed up, I thought it would be weird, but it turns out we have a lot in common. Our favourite things to do together are play board games and listen to the same kinds of music. Sometimes we didn't even notice when the other person was around and did our own thing. Seeing films every night quickly became a habit. Every night around 6, we'd pick a movie that we thought the other person might enjoy. We'd watch one, then make food and watch the other. The help in the kitchen was my favourite thing about Bella being there.
The food my ex-wife ate as a child was cereal, junk food, and leftover dinner. I ate some fast food and pizza that was already made, but Bella and I also ate a lot of home-cooked meals. But making dinner with Bella every night was the start of the end for me. It was usually leftovers with something we made from scratch, like rolls to go with leftover dish or something like that. There were times when my wife and I worked together in the kitchen, and I wanted to touch her lower back. Other times, I caught myself staring at the back of her neck while she did something boring, like chopping onions, and resisted the urge to kiss her on the shoulder.
I first thought she might be interested in me on Monday of last week. Bella left to take a shower after the first movie of the night to wash off the run she had done earlier that day while I made pizza. When she got out of the shower, she surprised me by coming into the living room in just her towel and asking how the pizza was cooking. I'd like to lie and say that I kept my surprise a secret and pretended there wasn't a mostly naked 18-year-old standing in front of me, but after looking her over and down, my eyes lingered on her bare shoulders, then on her small breasts framed by the towel, the hem of the arguably too-short-for-her-height towel that ended just below her hips, and all of her long, sculpted legs. I stumbled over my eloquent words.
"Well it smells really good!" Bella said as she walked back to the bathroom with a smirk and a goofy smile."
After seeing so much skin, it took me a while to get back to normal, but I was able to do it. I put my thoughts about some areas that weren't covered into a small but strong cage and adjusted my trousers. Bella came back into the living room while I was taking the pizza out of the oven. She was wearing better clothes this time—a favourite old loose sweater and dark black running shorts. During my time in the kitchen, she sat down on the couch and looked at her phone. Thankfully, it looked like she wasn't too bothered by my eyes, and I tried to forget the picture of her with her flawless skin.
I cut us a few still-hot pizza slices, brought them out, and started the movie. I thought it was some kind of strange joke or trick she was playing on me, but a big part of me hoped it wasn't a joke at all. I saw Bella on her phone from time to time during the movie, possibly texting one of her college friends who was in quarantine. I tried not to pay too much attention to her because I wanted to concentrate on the movie. She laid down on the couch with her feet up against my leg and her head on one of the armrests. I asked, "Want to stretch them out?" because she kept moving her legs around to get comfy." and given me a pat on the legs.
She just smiled at me, spread them out, and put her feet on my lap. Without thinking, I moved my hands out from under my blanket and began rubbing her cold feet. Then I stopped because I knew what I was doing. I slowly turned around and saw her looking at me. She had a neutral, but interested, look on her face. "I used to rub Julie's (ex-wife) feet like this all the time, it was just instinct, I'm sorry." I desperately looked for a new place to put my hands.
Bella spoke up for the first time since the movie began. She laughed a little as she did so. "I don't mind at all; it feels great. I went for a long run while you were at work, so I won't be complaining," she said. So I massaged her feet, listened to her breathing, and barely paid attention to the movie.
At some point, her feet were as warm as my hands, so I began to massage her calves as I moved down her legs. This made Bella moan a little and she asked, "Why would Julie leave this?""It must have been louder than she thought because I saw her turn her head and look at me to see what I did." I looked at her briefly, gave her a weak smile, and didn't say anything. I could tell she was tense when I touched her, though. She felt bad about what she said.
I turned down the movie a bit and said, "She and I just couldn't agree on what we wanted." It turns out that I can't have children, and I don't mean to talk too much about it. We talked about adopting, but I could tell she wanted her own kids after a while. She finally brought up finding a sperm donor, but I was set on just adopting. I thought that was a sign that we should adopt, but she didn't see it that way. We learned about it about a year ago, and that was pretty much the end of it.
For a while, it was pretty quiet as we watched the rest of the movie together and I kept rubbing her feet and legs. By this point, I had completely forgotten about the towel. Bella took her feet off my lap and sat up, stretching her long arms over her tiled-back head. The movie was over and the credits were running. She had her hair in a braid behind her head, which made her neck look very open and bare in the mostly dark living room.
She got up, walked over to me, and sat down. Our legs touched through the blanket that was still on top of my leg. She did not look at me, she just looked ahead and said, "I'm glad you're letting me stay with you. It's nice to be somewhere quiet for a change." "I'm also sorry I made you think about Julie; I didn't mean to..." Her voice broke.
I looked over and barely turned my head to say, "Don't worry about it. We both knew the divorce was going to happen for a while, so I've had a lot of time to deal with everything and move on. It's not that painful anymore."
We were mostly alone as the credits rolled. The only sound was the music behind them, and it was strangely quiet. It was nice to just sit with someone who cared, and we didn't need to talk to fill the quiet. Bella finally broke the pause by moving around in her seat and turning to face me directly.
"Thanks for the massage," I went to say, but she reached across my chest with one arm, behind my neck with the other, gently pulled my head to the side, and kissed me on the cheek. "I liked how it felt."
As she got closer, I could feel her breath on my neck. The surprise touch across my chest and the press of her warm lips against my cheek sent a cool fire down my legs, and I could feel myself reacting. Thank God for covers and pants that don't fit too tightly...
She stayed for a while, and I could tell she was looking at me to see what I would do. I knew I couldn't make a good choice for long, so I took her hands off my neck gently, stood up, and asked, "I still need to shower. Could you please put the pizza away?""
In the dim living room light, Bella smiled and nodded at me. It was clear that I didn't go to the toilet, turn on the cold shower and take off my clothes. Now seems like a good time to talk about what I saw when I looked in the mirror. I'm about 6 feet tall, and I shave my head because it started getting thin in high school and got really thin after that. To make up for it, I take good care of my beard. I sometimes walk, bike to work on nice days, and go to the gym at work during the winter. But my body also shows that I drink too many lattes and love good food. From what I know, you have the perfect dad body. Bella's kiss had made my pretty normal dick a little less stiff, but it was still sitting at about half mast, waiting to be freed. I jumped into the shower and submerged my chest in the cold water, hoping that it would clear my mind.
Because the water heater in this flat stinks and Julie always took long showers before me, I'm used to taking cold showers. It helped dull my feelings and push some thoughts of Bella to the back of my mind. When Bella knocked on the bathroom door and asked, "Mind if I brush my teeth real quick? I had just started to lather up after putting conditioner in my beard.""
She didn't wait for me to answer before she opened the door and started brushing her teeth. "Are you taking a cold shower right now?" she asked after she was done and rinsed her mouth out."The lack of steam and the cooler bathroom let them know."
"Yes?" I asked with a question mark in my voice.
"Why do you want a cold shower?""She inquired.
I fib and said, "I don't know why, but they help me fall asleep."
I thought my lame reason was okay, so she left the bathroom as I washed my body. Afterwards, I dried off with a towel, brushed my teeth, wrapped myself up, and snuck into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Bella was playing her switch on the TV with the noise turned down. I thought she was already in bed or in her room. I tried to act like nothing was wrong by walking into the kitchen, getting my water, and going back down the hallway to bed. But I could tell Bella was watching me as I did this. "How the record players!"She laughed at me as I walked down the hall."
Even though it was cold outside, thinking about Bella kept me awake for at least an hour. I finally fell asleep, though.
Bella slept in the next morning, while I cleaned up the kitchen and started making breakfast when it hit 9 a.m. The stuff for the breakfast sandwich was almost done, so I knocked on Bella's door to let her know. She wasn't there, though. There was no answer when I smashed the door open and called out, "Are you awake? Breakfast is almost ready." I opened the door a bit more and looked in. She was still asleep, but her hair was all over the place and it was clear that she wasn't having the best sleep. I walked in and shook her awake by lightly touching her shoulder.
"Do you want to get up and eat breakfast or do you want to sleep in a bit?" I asked her as she began to wake up.She rolled over and took a deep breath when she saw me standing over her. As she sat up, she smiled a big smile that meant she was still awake. She was too cute for words.
"I'll get up now," she said as she stretched and yawned. "Is the food ready yet?""
"I'm just about done, so about 5 minutes."
Bella fell back down, her hands on top of her head and her hair all over her head. "Thanks," she smiled at me and stretched again, which made the bottom of her hoodie move up and show a smooth, bare stomach. "I'll be out soon."
After breakfast, I was called into work right away. Some orders got mixed up, and they needed extra help getting packets sent out before the middle of the week. I thought that the extra hours and time away from Bella would help me get my thoughts in order. Bella knew I'd be home late, so she didn't have to wait for me to make dinner. I told her leftovers and maybe one movie would be fine. Well, the mess at work was worse than I thought it would be. I got home after 9pm feeling stressed and ready for a shower. Bella was still awake and asked if she could warm up some food for me while I took a shower. Of course, I said yes.
When I got out of the shower, there was Bella sitting on the couch behind me with a cup of hot tea and a plate of warm pizza on the floor in front of the couch. She looked at the ground in front of her and said, "It's time to pay back!""She massaged the area with her hands."
For me, massages are good even when they're bad. It's nice to be touched and have someone focus on you in a mostly physical way. When they're good, massages are fucking great. Bella likes to rock, and even though she's not a climber, her hands are way too strong for her. When she started working on my shoulders and neck, I couldn't think of anything else. Bella found the right balance between joy and pain. There were times when I was about to wince when the pressure got too much to let her know, but she seemed to know and backed off just enough to ride that line. She pulled at the collar of my shirt at some point, and I took it off without thinking so she could get to my skin right away.
My pizza and tea were getting cold by this time, so she reached down, pulled my arm up, and began rubbing my right arm. At first, it seemed strange, but she knew what she was doing. It's something she and her friends do after really rough weekends, she told me. From my shoulder to my hand, rubbing each finger separately, she worked her way down my arm, making sure to reach the upper arm and lower arm. Also, having someone else pop my fingers was something I had never done before, but she knew what she was doing. She then rubbed my left arm the same way, from shoulder to hand, adding pops to the ends of my fingers. I thought the massage that felt like hours was over, but she leaned my head back onto her knees and began gently rubbing my face, moving down to my temples and through my beard. It was like heaven on earth, guys.
Because I had my eyes closed, I didn't see her kiss until she put her lips on my forehead and stayed there for a short time. She leaned in close to my ear and said, "Now I think you owe me something, right?""
As I kissed the inside of her hand, I turned my head to the side and said, "Yeah, I guess I do."
As she looked me straight in the eyes and ran her fingers over my shoulders and chest a few times, she said, "You'll have to pay your debt tomorrow, it's getting pretty late." She then raised my head so I sat up straight, stood up, and stepped over me while I was sitting on the floor. As she walked down the hall to her room, I saw her behind bounce a little in her running shorts. She stopped at her door, turned around, and looked back at me. I'm sure I saw her bite her lip before she went into her room. I put my head back on the couch where she was sitting. The couch was still warm from her legs. I had a new thought about Bella while I drank cold tea and ate cold pizza. I didn't try to stop it.
I slept even later than usual.
When I woke up on Wednesday morning, the front door was shut. When I peered out the door to my bedroom, Bella's running shoes were gone from the rack next to the door. I guess some people just need to jog. I went back to bed and took a short nap. When I woke up, I had new thoughts about Bella. When I heard the front door close again, I woke up even more. I poked my head out and saw Bella, who was wearing sweats and a jacket to stay warm in the cold morning air. Sometimes it gets really cold where we are.
Her headphones came out, and she said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."
"Oh, I came and went." You want me to make sure the scales are even after I shower?"I inquired.
Bella put her eyes shut, sighed, and said "yes." "That sounds great. Running in the cold makes me tense."
I got some things ready while she was in the shower. I took off all but the mattress cover from my bed because the sheets needed to be washed anyway. I put a beach towel on the bed and put the rubbing oils I had bought for Julie but found she wasn’t interested in my nightstand. I laid on the edge of my bed and looked for soothing music to listen to while I waited. After a while, I heard the water stop, and Bella walked by again in just her towel. "What are you setting up in here?" she asked as she walked back out of her room and into the hallway. Her hair was still wet around her neck."
"Last night you stepped it up. I don't want to be in debt for life."
She gave me a surprised look and said, "Well I'll be in just a few, let me put some clothes on."
Soon after I moved to the head of the bed and turned on some music on my computer, Bella walked in wearing sweatpants and a sports bra. She sat on the towel with her back to me and her legs crossed. Without any makeup on, she looked at me over her shoulder. Her hair was in a messy bun, and there were a few freckles on the bridge of her nose. Say "Go ahead."
As I warmed up my hands with a little oil, I began rubbing her from where her sports bra crossed her back all the way up to the base of her neck. She let out a big sigh and leaned back into my arms. I quickly rubbed the small part of her back that was surrounded by her bra straps. Then I put my hands under her straps and waited for her to respond. I didn't see any change, so I took the straps off her shoulders and put them on her arms. Then I worked on her shoulders for a while.
"Can you close your eyes?" Bella asked for the first time."
The feel of her smooth skin took over my mind, and I didn't quite understand. "What?"
Say, "Close your eyes."
As I said it, I closed my eyes and asked, "Okay... Now what?"
Soon, I could feel her slipping her bra off over my hands. She moved some things around and I could feel her weight change. My topless cousin was so close to me while I waited in self-imposed darkness for "Okay, open up." It felt like hours.
"Bras just get in the way, right?" Bella asked me as she lay on her stomach on the towel she had pulled to the side, facing the head of the bed.I could tell she was scared. I tried to calm her down because her voice was a little shaky.
"I don't mind at all," I said with a small laugh. "They do get in the way, that's for sure."
I knelt over her upper legs and poured a little more oil into my hands after moving so close to her. I read that when you massage, you should divide the area you're working on into a big grid and press down on each spot the same amount. I tried to divide her back into 50 parts in my mind and give each one about 10 seconds of attention. Moving up her spine, I worked my fingers into the muscle just above her hips, starting low and working my way down to the middle of her back. As I went, I added oil as I went. Soon, I was putting pressure on her shoulder blades to work out the strong muscles there. At this point, the sun was shining on her back through the slightly open blinds, making her skin shine. Moving my hands slowly up her sides, I traced her skin without pressing hard at all. I moved my hands down to her lower back. With my fingers, I lightly touched the sides of her breasts. I could hear her breathing stop and then start to speed up again.
Bella moved her legs around under me and asked, "Can you do my feet and legs again?" The last time felt great.
"Okay, do you want to change into shorts now?" "Your sweat will get in the way."
Bella took a hand and pulled on the string on her trousers, which made the waist looser. "If that's okay with you, you can just take them off..."
At this point, her feet were almost hanging off the edge of the bed, so I got up and pulled her trousers down. On top of her sweats, she had on simple dark blue trousers. She kicked her behind up a little to make it easier as I pulled. At the point where her pants' waist got close to her knees, she pushed her hips into the bed and slightly raised her knees so I could take them off. I threw them at the foot of the bed and put more oil on my hands. I began by rubbing her heels gently where a muscle meets the heel. Then I moved up to the balls of her feet and put oil between each of her toes. From her knees up, I rubbed her calves all the way back to her feet, going past her ankles. Once I got to her feet, I put more oil in my hands and massaged very slowly for about two minutes, going from the bottom of her feet to the top of her legs, behind her knees, along her hamstrings and stopping just below her pants. I then massaged back down to her knees.
It was clear that she was getting excited because I could hear her breathing getting deeper and more forced. I could also feel myself reacting, going from half-mast for a few hours to full-mast as I heard her respond to my hands. Once I reached her knees, I lifted both hands off the ground and started right at the base of her behind again, this time on purpose, grazing the hem of her trousers. I moved a bit higher than the first time and made my way down to her knees again, but this time much faster. Again, I ran my hands up her legs and massaged the place just below her knickers. I then ran my fingers just under the hem and massaged the base of her behind for a few moments.
Bella asked, "Could you massage my quads as well?" I didn't want to push things any further, and part of me thought I might have already. After my run this morning, they're pretty tense." She raised herself a bit on her elbow and turned to face me more fully. Her breasts were still pressed into the bed, but they were barely covered. When she looked into my eyes, I could tell she wasn't sure if this was okay, but she wanted to go ahead with it.
I told her, "Yeah, flip on over."
And so she did, Bella rolled over, careful to stay on the towel and not get oil on the mattress cover. Her small breasts were marked slightly from the towel and her small nipples were stiff, just asking to be touched. I was wearing sports shorts so when I climbed onto the bed and kneeled over her lower legs to get a better view, she no doubt saw my arousal pulling at the loose fabric. I started at the tops of her legs, just below her hips and just traced under the hem of her panties first but quickly moved down and worked the full muscle. It was hard to keep my eyes on the job at hand because there were so many great places to look. Her breasts' skin that was slowly getting smoother, her tense nipples, and the tiny drops of sweat that were building up on her temples. The tips of her hip bones against her skin, the way the lines on the edges of her pants faded between her legs, and the small wet spot in the middle of her pants.
After a short time, I stopped rubbing Bella and put my hands higher up on the bed, on either side of her. I then leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "If this is too much, tell me, and I'll stop, okay?"Bella's hands touched my hips, ran up my sides under my shirt, grabbed my shirt, and pulled it up to my head. I got the message and put my shirt over my head as I sat up. Her hand was on the back of my head as she pulled me in and kissed me. She grabbed my arm before I could sit back down. At first, her soft lips were closed tight against mine, pressing strongly against mine without pressing my lips against my teeth. We continued to kiss, bodies apart for the most part, but linked at the lips. Soon her mouth opened with mine and our tongues explored each other’s mouth. It felt like her lips were hot, and the taste in her mouth was clean and a little sweet. She bit my lip, and her breathing got fast. We kissed for a while, but I pulled away when her hands ran down my chest and grabbed my hips. She sighed in slight disappointment.
I don't want to get into any more debt, so please take it easy. I'll take care of you for a little while longer.
I got down on my knees and rubbed more oil into my hands. I started at her stomach and worked my way up. As I ran my hands along the outside edge of her breasts, the top, and the middle of her chest, I was careful not to touch her nipples. I also moved up her abs and along her rib cage. I did this a few more times, each time getting closer to her nipples until I just touched her areolas on the last time. I put my hands on her hips instead of going back up her tight body and worked my fingers under the straps of her knickers. Bella looked me straight in the eyes, and her face turned red from being touched. She lifted her hips off the bed, which let me take off all of her knickers after I sat back on my heels and stooped down. We looked at each other the whole time, and I kept running my hands along her breast. She stretched her legs back out under mine.
I ran my fingers up her sides and up her torso until I stopped at the base of her breasts. Then I rotated my hands towards her middle and let her nipples slide under and between each of my fingers. I then drew my hands down her frame and rotated my fingers back out to her sides. I did the same motion again, but this time I did it more slowly so each of my fingers could press her nipples into her breasts more fully. Bella closed her eyes and started to moan softly as I touched her more. Soon, I stepped back and stood at the edge of the bed. I put my hands on her knees and gently pushed them apart to make sure it was okay. Something about her made me feel bad, because she turned away from me, closed her eyes, and spread her legs apart.
She had no hair and looked like she had just shaved, maybe in the shower before. She was also wet, and I could see strings of grool on her lips as they spread apart for the first time in the hour or so I had been rubbing her. As I kissed her along the inside of her thigh, I lifted one of her legs and kissed her from the bottom of her foot to the top of her calf. I got to the middle and focused on Bella's breathing. I could tell she wanted to be touched, but I just breathed on her vagina and kissed her other leg from the inside of her thigh to her calf and foot. Next, I moved in closer and kissed both of her inner thighs one after the other. I was getting closer to the prize.
I leaned my head against the side of her leg and licked the outside of the cut. It was the first time I had tasted her juices. It wasn't sweet, but it did taste like clean pussy. I moved my tongue from her left to her right entrance, focusing on Bella's breathing to figure out who she was.
This made her take a sharp breath. Running my tongue along the other side, I sucked this side of her labia into my mouth while running my tongue along it.
I moved around and put her legs over my shoulders. I then put my hands on her stomach and held her hips in place. I just barely touched her with the tip of my tongue as I licked her from the bottom to the top. She made a loud noise and put one hand over her mouth to be quiet. I reached up and grabbed her arm, then pulled her hand down and put it on my head to tell her she could set the pace and be loud if she wanted to. She kept licking me. I started to move my hands around her breasts and pinch her nipples while putting more pressure on her with my tongue. I was interested in her more and pushed my tongue as far into her as I could. Watching her breathe told me that this was already drawing her close, but I didn't want it to end so quickly. I suddenly softened up and let go. I could hear her frustrated breath and a small whimper as she begged to be freed.
I put my hand on her lower stomach and pulled it up towards her head. Then I gently sucked at her more exposed clit. Bella whispered, "Holy shit..." and I knew this was the start of the end for her. I changed the pressure but kept the beat the same for a while. Soft, then stiff, then soft for a few, then hard for a few. I focused on Bella’s breathing, changing the beat slightly to match her breaths. I moved down slowly and pressed my tongue hard against her opening and heard her let out a heavy breath. She put both hands on my head, turned her hips up a little, and pulled me into her. She pressed hard on my tongue, and I sank it in her. I could feel her tensing up against my tongue several times, and she moaned loudly in the same pattern each time.
After a while, her shaking stopped and her breathing got back to normal. I didn't move. As soon as she came down from what I think was cloud nine, I began to slowly lick her from bottom to top, cleaning her as I moved my tongue around her soft folds.
I stood up and looked at her. She had patches of sweat on her body, and she smiled back at me with a shocked but happy look on her face and said, "Wow..."
I thought this would be short, but it took a long time. If you want to know more about our lockdown, you'll have to ask. Since it was fun to write, I don't think it will take much persuasion. But damn, it takes me a long time.
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